Exercise 4

The source files are tut2.tv, and counter2.v or counter2.vhd. This simply repeats exercise 3, with a DUT that contains an error. The expected output is:

(Error) ('tut2.tv', line 66, 149 ns) 'Q': expected 'b1111; got 'b0000
(Error) ('tut2.tv', line 66, 159 ns) 'Q': expected 'b0000; got 'b0001
(Error) ('tut2.tv', line 66, 169 ns) 'Q': expected 'b0001; got 'b0010
(Error) ('tut2.tv', line 66, 179 ns) 'Q': expected 'b0010; got 'b0011
(Error) ('tut2.tv', line 66, 189 ns) 'Q': expected 'b0011; got 'b0100
(Error) ('tut2.tv', line 66, 199 ns) 'Q': expected 'b0100; got 'b0101
(Log) (200 ns) 20 vectors executed (14 passes, 6 fails)